I discussed our tutoring program today with the program director, Steven Richard. We've talked a lot about how to train tutors and what the really great tutors do in a session that seems to help students make better grades. Here's a hypothetical situation:
Tutor - Hey, how're you doing today?
Tutee - Good.
Tutor - Are we talking about Brit Lit today?
Tutee - Yeah.
Tutor - What questions do you have?
Tutee - I don't have any questions. I just don't understand what the teacher wants me to write on essay tests.
Tutor - What are you reading?
Tutee - I don't know..Something about some people on a trip. It's so boring.
Tutor - What kind of questions will be on the test?
Tutee - I don't know. They're just all weird stuff I never thought about. I don't know what I'm supposed to write.
Tutor - So, what can I help you with?
Tutee - I don't know. I just don't understand it.
Tutor - Well, come back if you think of some questions.
So - what's wrong with this picture? Do you think the tutor helped the student? What would have produced a better outcome?
Whether you are a tutor or a tutee, here's a website that can help you figure this out.Here's another site.