This Bear Is Up a Tree

This Bear Is Up a Tree
photo by Scott Granneman

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Air Bear Connections

I've just discovered that there is a new version of the wireless Air Bear on campus. I think it may have solved all my connection problems - we'll soon see. If you set up Air Bear more than a year ago, you might like to download the new version.


  1. As much as I would have hated it, I would not have put up such a fight. I would have simply bought the donuts. I may not have been the next day, or Krispy Kremes but there would eventually be donuts brought by me.

  2. The new airbear connection is GREAT! The places in the library and in classes where they didnt work before work perfectly now!

  3. This was great! Not only did that link help me to set up the new AirBear, but now my MacEntourage is finally working because it linked me to help for that, too!

  4. I have found that in some places around campus, the new system wont authenticate on my computer. The SUB, Sid Richardson, and Draper are three such places

  5. I think it is great the university is starting to respond swiftly to resolve these problems. I remember last semester I was almost forced to buy a new laptop just to be able to connect to Air Bear.

  6. I'm glad that there is finally a new version of Air Bear. I have had some many problems in the past with trying to get a connection at school. Hopefully now I will be able to connect at school, especially in the library where i want to study and get my work done.

  7. finally! i always had a problem with the old air bear and i eventually gave up on it all together. it would never connect me so hopefully this one fairs better.
