This Bear Is Up a Tree

This Bear Is Up a Tree
photo by Scott Granneman

Friday, September 25, 2009

Tip A Bear

After you enjoy this latest study tip from Abby Worland, drop by the McLane SLC and check out the bear portrait, a Baylor icon complete with Pat Neff hall and bluebonnets, painted by Frederic Mizen, Baylor's art department chairman from 1952 until 1960 and creator of the art for the first Coca Cola billboard in 1925.


  1. Go to class.... Its that simple and you will excel in your course. I also liked what she said about taking your own notes. I believe that forces you to focus more on the lecture and what the professor is saying as apposed to what is on the board or in the powerpoint. Also some courses take grades everyday, making missing a day of class more then just a missed lecture.

  2. I agree with Abby. I try my very hardest to attend class but sometimes I just cant make it. I know I miss very important lectures and class notes. I tend to take my own notes except in one class where outlines are provided with missing words. I fill in that outline and the outline is where the test comes from.

  3. We all have days we do not want to attend a class(es) like today, I did not want to attend my afternoon course however I did because I realize the importance of it plus I have not missed a single class and I certainly was not about to start now. Going to class is very important. It helps you practice discipline and responsibility. Plus, some professors may not put power points on blackboard but even if they do, discussion notes will not be on them as to why it is important for you to attend.
    Yes, we like to copy down the professors notes word for word but honestly a power point is there for bullet points leading into the topic. You need to paraphrase a definition, paragraph, etc. in your own words according to how it will make sense to YOU. However, talk with your professors when it comes to definitions on a test. Some want the textbook definition while others prefer your own as long as it means the same thing.

  4. Haha I loved this video! I was at the SLC earlier today and was walking out those doors and JUST noticed that painting of the bear today also! It's funny that you constantly walk by things every day and never notice them. That just shows how you should slow down and see things around you!

    And I completely agree with Abby's tip of the day to go to class because if you don't hear it yourself, how are you going to know what's important in the lecture? And taking your own notes help so much too!
    I like these little clips! :]

  5. Going to class is the most important thing you can do, even if the professor it's your favorite it benefits you to understand his or her comments and it can help you understand what the professor might ask on an exam. I try not to miss class because if I miss i feel like I have missed out on important information. I always take my own notes because it can help remember the information because you have written it down. Thanks for the tip!

  6. I agree with Abby's tip. It IS very important to go to every class even if you do not think that the lecture that day will be important. I had to learn the hard way last year! Now, if I miss a class, I feel as if I am very behind. PLUS, some teachers give you points for your attendance in their class, so it is easy points to boost up your grade! Also, sometimes in a lecture, the professor will even tell you what is important to study or what is on the test. So moral of the story, GO TO CLASS!

  7. Going to class is important for several reasons. Obviously, it will help you understand the material better. Another reason is that proffesors are more likely to give you a break if you attend class regularly (bumping your final grade up, more lenient on make-up work if you miss an assignment etc.). It is not just immportant to go to class though, you need to look engaged in what the teacher is talking about. You might have a perfect attendance record, but that is not going to mean anything to the proffesor if he or she sees you texting or sleeping.

  8. Going to class is key. I can't talk too much though because I do struggle with going to class even though I try really hard. Sometimes I just get overwhelmed with my classes and I just need a break and other times I accidently sleep in. I know how important it is to go to class because of important information and easy points that are given for just showing up. I have improved my attendance this year and I hope that I can keep on improving throughout my time at Baylor.
