This Bear Is Up a Tree

This Bear Is Up a Tree
photo by Scott Granneman

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Study Area on Campus!!!

Check it out -- the Moody Library computer lab has moved into swanky new quarters where - get this - students can actually move the furniture around! It's not your grandma's library anymore.


  1. I actually visited the new study area tonight and was thoroughly impressed by the new set up. It definitely is an upgrade compared to the wooden cubicles with the uncomfortable wooden seats. The idea of moving furniture around is very helpful for group studying. Students now have the options of what part and how many in this new section of the library.

  2. I think the new study area is a fantastic idea. One way to make studying easier is to be able to be comfy and with the new furniture they made this possible!

  3. I have been studying a lot lately in the new area and I love it!! I used to not come study at the library but I find it enjoyable to study. The furniture's great and the whiteboards available make it tons easier to study. It's a little cold but awesome nonetheless.

  4. I actually really like the new part of the library, at first I thought the white boards were exclusive to certain students or graduate students like some of those secluded rooms are on the upper floor or moody but it's actually great for group studying.

  5. I was delighted when I saw the new part of the library! I stayed down there for hours the other night studying for a Bio exam. The mood was perfect; not too library-esque, and not too distracting. Also, the mobile whiteboards were great!

  6. I guess I will join the new library's fan club. Yah I got a chance to check it out the other day when photoshop was messing up on my computer. I went to use the computers and saw the new atmosphere, and I really liked it. It's different...change is good, especially in a library.

  7. Although I haven't been able to explore this new area yet, I will soon do so. I usually study in a place of least distraction, which is my room. There I can cuddle up into my covers and not have to worry about being disturbed by loud students as I often found myself when I went to study at Moody my freshman year. I think that this new scenario is ideal for group studying, but not if you need a quiet place to yourself.

  8. The new section of the library is really really nice! This may sound terrible, but I guess it is good to know our tuition is going to something useful!
    The computers are fabulous!!!! I love the big screeens.
    I also really like how there are so many dry erase boards next to the comfy furniture. I am a visual learner and enjoy teaching others because it helps me to learn the material, so this makes it really easy! Definetly great for group work!!!

  9. The new study area is awesome and the moving furniture makes it easy for a group of people to study together. Being comfy makes it easier to concentrate on studying. People with me with back pain like having comfy furniture because it takes your mind off the pain.

  10. I personally like the computer lab's new location mainly because it is more spacious. I don't work well when i feel constricted by people on either side of me. Here there is space between different computer setups that enables me to relax while i do my work.

  11. I think it's great! I love going there. Now if only they would do something about the rest of that ugly library.

  12. I love it! I studied there for the first time all semester last sunday. Prior to then, I could never actually get any work done at "club moody".

  13. I love the new computer lab! It is alot better than the old computer lab which was just a room full of computers. The new room is actually a study room where everyone knows that it is still a quiet place.

  14. Katherine said "I think that this new scenario is ideal for group studying, but not if you need a quiet place to yourself."
    If the new study commons has too many distractions, try the smaller "monastery" quiet area on Moody 2nd floor. Comfy furniture and very, very quiet.

  15. Your comments are making a difference. Listen to what the Dean of Libraries has to say about them:

    "Thank you for sharing this! Made my day. I am meeting with my library board next week and this is perfect timing. I was just wishing that I had some student perspectives to share. I am so glad they like our new space. I will pass this along to our folks who helped with this.
    Pattie Orr
    Vice President for Information Technology & Dean of University Libraries
    Baylor Universities

  16. Check out the video - actually, they did hit almost all the cones. In the first test, they missed them all - in the 2nd, they hit almost every one.

  17. I visited this spot last night to study for my test today, and I fell in love with it!! It was really easy to concentrate there and I got a lot of studying done!

    Lindsey Essex

  18. This is really really good, I'll be able to make great use of it over the weekend, seeing how I have 6 test I'll be studying for..

  19. I like the new study area during the day, but at night, might as well be at a frat house! The area is so "cool" that everyone and their mother is there! So, if you need to study, and you like the Moody pad, go during the day, because its just a hang out come 10 o'clock at night.

  20. Mary Catherine BedynekWed Oct 14, 11:06:00 AM 2009

    I love the new study area! I did not know that it had moved until one day when I thought I was going to the computer lab, I found out that it had moved. At first I was a little freaked out because I didn't know where the new one was and I was so used to the last one, but I soon fell in love with the new one. Withy computer being on the fritz, it's like a second home to me.

  21. This new study area is really good especially since you can move around the furniture. And the computers and big whiteboards are helpful if you are a visual learner. The only bad thing is that it can turn into a hang out place.

  22. I recently visited the new study area and really enjoyed it. However, I get distracted easily and didn't get too much studying done! There is a really cool place on the second floor. I'm not sure what room it's called, but there are little tiny offices where you can close the door and it really helps me focus. There are no distractions and I got a lot done.

  23. I have seen this and I think that it is really cool that students are able to move the furniture around. This makes it easier for students to get a study group together and be comfortable.

  24. This has honestly become one of my favorite spots on campus. I wrote my English paper there and have been going there to study. The enviornment is really comfortable and helps me to focus.

  25. I think the new study area is awesome, I am more of a person who likes to study in Jones, but i have to agree the new Moody study area is awesome.
